09 March 2022

Dawn of the Dead VHS issued in the US by distributor Republic Pictures in 1993

NTSC VHS. Slipcover. Theatrical Cut. Running time on cover is wrong, actual running time is 127 minutes, not 130. Althought the 127 minutes Theatrical Cut was George A. Romero's favorite version of the film, labeling their release as "Director's Cut" did not go unnoticed. Republic Pictures ended up having to rebrand the covers by affixing "Unrated Theatrical Version" stickers over the Director's Cut notice.

From my personal collection.

(Click on the pictures to review them in their native resolution.)

Director's Cut

Unrated Theatrical Version

To quote this article

Danny Duchesneau@2022, "Dawn of the Dead VHS issued in the US by distributor Republic Pictures in 1993", Dawn of the Dead Collector's Blog, published on 9 March 2022.